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Showing posts from June, 2017

Some experiment

Let me speak out speak in word can grow to a feeling till you look into them as them as not you who look matter as if they are not names as if they are just.........

Kindergarten kaleidoscope called Karnataka - (part 5) Murdeshwar

Murdeshwar to me is a Disneyland made by a devotee. It is a beautiful place made more colourful. But ends there.

Kindergarten kaleidoscope called Karnataka - (part 4) Koup beach

Koup is probably known more for its visual used in movie David. Koup actually stand on its own in me for its joy of life in nature. Koup in one word - Mesmerising It has a small beach, clean, a 100 year old light house that you can go up to and people who enjoy living there.

Kindergarten kaleidoscope called Karnataka - (part 3) Gokarna

Gokarna is in short SOMETHING! History and believes live in here, nature just add aroma. Athough, Arabian sea here is considered holy. In a small town having 10000 priests (as I heard from a tout come boatman) itself is quite interesting, then you realize Gokarna still has its Gurukul, teaching many student in the same process as it was in Veda yug.