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Cameras for sale - Tested, liked and moving on from current cameras

Item for Sale as Below:

Pentax K10D with Kit lens 18~55 f 1:3.5~5.6AL DA + 28~200 Tamron AF Aspherical XR (IF) lens f 1:3.8~5.6 + Pentax D-BG2 battery grip
Camera Serial Number: 279755,
Kit lens Sr. No. - 5929418
Tamron lens Sr. No. - XXX 012948
Item Location: MUMBAI / Thane
Sensor:   APS-C size (crop factor (1.5)
Are you the original owner of the item being sold? No, bought second hand from fellow friend and JJMPF FM.
Do you have the original Bill? NO
Objects included for listed item: Body cap, original focusing screen (replaced with split image screen), Lens Caps, Battery, Charger and Lens Hood (for Tamron)
Disclosure of missing or damaged parts of item offered***: Absolutely none.
Is the Item under warranty? Expired
What is the shutter count?  I can confirm later
Are you interested in trading this item? No
Cosmetic condition of Camera and Lens: 8.5/10 - Normal usage marks at the body. No Dents & Fungus (Please refer to the uploaded photos for camera and lens condition). The photos shown are of the actual camera and lens for sale.
Functionality of camera and lens: 10/10 - I have checked all functions I know and they all work properly.  All switches, buttons and dials work fine and are fully functional.
Price: 15,000/- for all inclusive
Shipping Destinations: Anywhere in India at buyer's risk & cost
Preferred Shipping Services: DTDC
Accepted Payment Types: Cash/NEFT
Return Policy Applicable/Not Applicable (Terms & Conditions): No return


Item - Fujifilm XE-1 + Fujinon 27mm f2.8 + Pentax M 50mm f1:1.4 + Tikenon 135mm f2.8 MC + PK to FX fotasy adapter

Item - Fuji X100S + lens shade + Thumb grip

Item - Sigma 19mm f2,8 DN EX


  1. ভাই সুমন্ত, আপনার বল্গ-পোস্ট পড়লাম। কোন মন্তব্য নিষ্প্রয়োজন। কিন্ত ইংরাজির ভুল ব্যবহার পীড়াদায়ক, বিশেষত তা যদি হেডিংয়ে হয়। 'Sell' শব্দের বদলে 'Sale' হবে। দয়া করে ঠিক করে নেবেন। নমস্কার।

  2. Sell is a verb. Sale is a noun. When you or someone who wants to sell something, it is “for sale.”


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