Abudhabi Durgapujo - Festival of goddess on the land of god
In abudhabi, amidst land of dessert, sand, dust, within the rules of the king, Bengalis have their cultural symbol of living in the name of Goddess Durga.I have been their for 5 nights and tried to capture what strikes me being a Bengali sometime and an observer for the rest.
Here are first are coming.
Please note, the puja, gathering, celebration, cultural programmes, get together happens within two small air conditioned halls. And the deities are actually paintings on glass as Abudhabi does not allow any idol in threedimension.
For Goddess, it is a compromise in a limited space
For some it is a mere formality and time to recapitulate
For them it is a good get together and space of freedom
As they say, wherever we go, we carry our worlds with us: some a mere sapling, some a mighty banyan!!